Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Potty Fiasco

Today we decided to see if our 2 1/2 year old ball of fire was ready to potty train. After a long day of wet pants (and worse), tears (mostly his), a few attempts to fool me with a stuffed teddy bear and finally a potty chair hurled across the room with all his toddler might, the answer is a big fat "NO". He's not ready. Now I know. We'll try it again in a couple of months.

We brought home another Freecycle treasure today. Our glider/rocker in our son's bedroom was hardly usable. It had a squeak that constantly had to be oiled, and the other day something broke loose from the bottom and now it grinds loudly. But we weren't going to do much about it, figuring that the "baby" is 2 and any day now we should quit rocking him to sleep. But here's the thing--I love it as much as he does. After a full day with active kids, it is a blessing to have a few quiet moments to hold him before putting him down for the night. I can stop thinking about grocery lists and chores and just relax, put my face against his chubby cheek and remember that my husband and I created this life and would do anything for him. Its a wonderful way to end the day for both of us, and neither of us is ready to give it up. So we had to do something about the chair. I saw a post for this a while back--a glider/rocker without cushions--but didn't ask for it. In general, I try to wait a while before responding to posts for things like this, just to give someone who needs it more than I do a chance to ask for it. But in this case, nobody seemed to want it without the cushions so we gladly picked it up today. And it is SOO much better than the one we had!! We switched over the cushions from the old chair, and our pleasant nighttime routine will go on, better than before. Just as long as I don't mention the potty....

1 comment:

Jenyfer Matthews said...

Hi there - I'd leave the potty chair out if I were you, just to let him see it around and get used to it. Sooner or later he'll come around :)